手把手教學- Part 1 : 這一部分要填入你是因為符合哪項資格所以才可以申請美國公民

A. General Provision: 持有綠卡滿5年

B. Spouse of U.S. Citizen: 持有綠卡滿3年的美國公民配偶

C. VAWA: 家暴綠卡的持有人

D. Spouse of U.S. Citizen in Qualified Employment Outside the United States: 在海外擔任美國公務員的美國公民配偶

E. Military Service During Period of Hostilities: 參與戰爭的美軍人員

F. At Least One Year of Honorable Military Service at Any Time: 在美軍服役滿一年且品德良好

G. Other Reason of Filing Not Listed Above: 其他資格者

手把手教學- Part 2

1. Your Current Legal Name: 填入你的全名

Family Name (Last Name): 填入你的姓氏

Given Name (First Name): 填入你的名

Middle Name: 填入你的中間名

2. Other Names You Have Used Since Birth: 填入改過的名字綽號藝名等名字

3. Would you like to legally change your name: 問你是否想要改名

4. USCIS Online Account Number: 填入你在移民局的網路帳號

5. Gender: 填入你的性別

Male: 男 Female: 女 Another Gender Identity: 其他性別認同

6. Date of Birth: 填入你的生日

7. If you are a lawful permanent resident, provide the date you became a lawful permanent resident: 填入你成為永久居民的日期(綠卡正式生效的日期)

8. Country of Birth: 填入你的出生國台灣出生者請填 Taiwan 而非 ROC

9. Country of Citizenship or Nationality: 填入你的國籍請寫 Taiwan 而非 ROC

10. Was one of your parents (including adoptive parents) a U.S. citizen before your 18th birthday: 問你的父或母或繼父或繼母在你18歲前是否為美國公民

11. Do you have a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment that prevents you from demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the English language or civics requirments for naturalization: 問你是否有因身體或精神上的原因導致無法理解英語及考試內容

Social Security Update

12a. Do you want Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue you an original or replacement Social Security Card and update your immigration status with the SSA if and when you are naturalized: 問你是否需要社安局自動寄發新的SSN卡並更新你在社安局裡的身分狀態

12b. Provide your Social Security number (SSN): 填入你的社安號

12c. Consent of Disclosure: 問你是否同意移民局將你的資料授權給社安局

手把手教學- Part 3

1. Ethnicity: 族裔

Hispanic or Latino: 西語裔或拉丁裔 Not Hispanic or Latino: 非西語裔或拉丁裔

2. Race: 種族

American Indian or Alaska Native: 美洲或阿拉斯加原住民  Asian: 亞裔  Black or African American: 非裔 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 夏威夷或南島語系原住民 White: 白人

3. Height: 身高

4. Weight: 體重

5. Eye Color: 眼睛顏色

Black: 黑  Blue: 藍 Brown: 棕 Gray: 灰 Green: 綠 Hazel: 栗子色 Maroon: 褐紅色 Pink: 粉紅 Unknown/Other: 其他

6. Hair Color: 頭髮顏色

Bald: 禿頭 Blond: 金色 Red: 紅 Sandy: 黃棕色 White: 白

手把手教學- Part 4

1. Physical Addresses

Street Number and Name: 填入門牌號碼街道名

Apt: 公寓 Ste: Suite Flr: 樓層

City or Town: 填入所在城市或鎮

State: 填入州

Zip Code: 填入郵遞區號

注意: 如果不是海外地址就不用填省海外郵遞區號和國家大部分的申請人都建議填寫美國境內地址除非你是海外美軍或美國公務員

Date of Residence From- To:填入起訖日


2. Is your current physical address also your current mailing address: 問你現在的居住地址是否等同聯絡地址如果不是需填寫3.

手把手教學- Part 5

1. What is your current martial status: 問你的婚姻狀況

Single: 單身 Married: 已婚 Divorced: 離婚 Widowed: 鰥夫/寡婦 Separated: 分居 Marriage Annulled: 婚姻無效

2. If you are currently married, is your spouse a current member of the U.S. armed force: 問你的配偶是否為美軍成員

3. How many times have you been married: 問你結過幾次婚

Your Current Marriage

4a. Current Spouse's Legal Name: 填入現任配偶的名字

4b. Curreent Spouse's Date of Birth: 填入現任配偶的生日

4c. Date You Entered into Marriage with Current Spouse: 填入你們的結婚日期

4d. Is your current spouse's present physical address the same as your physical address: 問你們是否居住在同一地址

5a. When did your spouse become a U.S. citizen: 問你的配偶何時成為美國公民

By Birth in the United States: 在美國出生者  Other: 其他

5b. Date Your Current Spouse Became a U.S. Citizen: 5a. 填 other 的人這裡要填入配偶成為公民的日期

6. Current Spouse's Alien Registration Number (A-number): 填入配偶的 A-number

7. How many times has your current spouse been married: 問你的配偶結過幾次婚

8. Current Spouse's Current Employer or Company: 填入配偶工作的公司

手把手教學- Part 6

1. Indicate your total number of children under 18 years of age: 問你有幾個18歲以下的子女

2. Provide the following information about your children identified in Item Number 1: 填入未成年子女的個人訊息

手把手教學- Part 7

填入你過去5年工作或就學的資訊如果是美國公民配偶填入3年內即可這邊要注意現在移民局已經要求時間必須要有連續性也就是如果失業或待業在家必須要在 Name 那一欄填入 Unemployed並填入這段時間的起迄日

手把手教學- Part 8


手把手教學- Part 9

1. Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way): 問你是否有聲稱自己是美國公民

2. Have you EVER registered to vote or voted in any Federal, state or local election in the United States? If you lawfully voted only in a local election where noncitizens are eligible to vote, you may answer '' No '': 問你是否有投過票有些州或城市有該放綠卡持有者可以投一些地方性的公投者不算投過票

3. Do you currently owe any overdue Federal, state, or taxes in the United States: 問你是否有欠稅

4. Since you became a lawful permanent resident, have you called yourself a '' nonresident alien '' on a Federal, state, or local tax return because you considered yourself to be a nonresident: 問你在拿到綠卡後是否仍以非居民的身分報稅

Have you EVER

5a. Been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with any Communist or totalitarian party anywhere in the world: 問你是否曾參與或加入共產黨或恐怖組織

5b. Adovocated (supported and promoted) any of the following, or been a member, involved in, or in any way associated with any group any where in the world that adovocated any of the following: 問你是否提倡加入或參與以下活動

Opposition to all organized government: 顛覆政府

World communism: 世界共產主義

The establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship: 在美國建立恐怖獨裁主義

The overthrow by force or violence or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States or all forms of law: 透過武力或非法方式去推翻美國政府

The unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or officers of the Government of the United States or of any other organized government because of their official character: 非法攻擊或殺害美國官員

The unlawful damage, injury, or destruction of property: 非法破壞或傷害他人財產

Sabotage: 蓄意破壞

Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with, or have you ever provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or any other assistance or support to a group that: 問你是否有參與過加入過提供資金或服務去支持以下團體

6a. Used a weapon or explosive with intent to harm another person or cause damage to property: 意圖使用武器或爆裂物去傷害他人或他人財物

6b. Engaged (participated) in kidnapping, assassination, or hijacking or sabotage of an airplane, ship, vehicle, or other mode of transportation: 參與綁架暗殺劫持或破壞交通工具

6c. Threatened, attempted (tried), conspired (planned with others), prepared, palnned, advocated for, or incitied (encouraged) others to commit any of the acts listed in Item Numbers 6a. or 6b.: 威脅企圖密謀計畫提倡鼓勵其他人從事 6a 和 6b 的行為

Have you ever ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in any of the following

問你是否命令, 煽動, 要求, 承諾, 協助或參與以下行為

7a. Torture: 虐待

7b. Genocide: 種族滅絕

7c. Killing or trying to kill any person: 殺人或意圖殺人

7d. Intentionally and severely injuring or trying to injure any person: 意圖重傷害或傷害他人

7e. Any kind of sexual contact or activity with any person who did not consent (did not agree) or was unable to consent (could not agree), or was being forced or threatened by you or by some else: 


7f. Not letting someone to practice their religion: 剝奪他人宗教信仰自由

7g. Causing harm or suffering to any person becasue of their race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular soical group, or political opinion: 因種族宗教國籍身分或政治認同而迫害他人

8a. Have you EVER served in, been a member of, assisted (helped), or participated in any military or police unit: 問你是否加入過軍隊或警察

注意: 台灣有服過兵役的男生這題要選 Yes

8b. Have you EVER served in, been a member of, assisted (helped), or participated in any armed group (a group that carries weapons), for example: paramilitary unit (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military), self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, or guerrilla group: 問你是否加入游擊隊或叛亂等軍事團體

9. Have you EVER worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in a place where people were detained (forced to stay), for example, a prison, jail, prison camp (a camp where prisoners of war or political prisoners are kept), detention facility, or label camp, or have you EVER directed or participated in any other activity that involved detaining people: 問你是否在監獄, 拘留所或勞改營等具有拘禁性質的機構工作過或擔任過志工, 或參與過拘禁行動

10a. Were you EVER a part of any group, or did you EVER help any group, unit, or organization that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so: 問你是否參與過使用武器或威脅他人的幫派組織

10b. 如果10a. 回答 ''是'' 的人問你是在何時參與這個組織及你是否拿武器對抗過他人

10c. 如我10b. 回答 ''是'' 的人問你是在何時參與這個組織及你是否威脅要拿武器對抗過他人

11. Have you EVER sold, provided, or transported weapons, or assisted any person in selling, providing, or transporting weapons, which you knew or believed would be used against another person: 問你是否在知情會傷害他人的情況下販售或提供武器給他人

12. Have you EVER received any weapons training, paramilitary training, or other military-type training: 問你是否接受過武器或軍事訓練

注意: 台灣有服過兵役的男生這題要選 Yes

13. Have you EVER recruited (asked), enlisted (signed up), conscripted (required to join), or used any person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed group, or attempted or worked with others to do so: 問你是否曾經招募過童兵

14. Have you EVER used any person under 15 years of age to take part in hostilities or attempted or worked with other to do so? This could include participating in combat or providing services related to combat (such as serving as a messenger or transporting supplies): 問你是否利用過未成年人參與軍事行動 (包含後勤)

15. 詢問你的犯罪紀錄不論該紀錄是否已經撤銷特赦或豁免即使已經查不到仍需揭露

Committed, agree to commit, or asked someone else to commit: 認罪或達成認罪協議

Were arrested, cited, detained, or confined by any law enforcement officer, military official (in the U.S or elsewhere), or immigration official: 被執法人員逮捕定罪拘禁W

Were charged with committing, helping commit, or trying to commit: 確認犯罪並管束

Pled guilty to: 自首認罪

Were convicted of: 法官定罪

Were placed in alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program for (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, or deferred adjudication): 服社會刑或參與矯治計畫R

Received a suspended sentence, clemency, amnesty, or pardon for, or were placed on probation or paroled for: 緩刑保護管束居家監禁或假釋

15a. Have you EVER committed, agreed to commit, asked someone else to commit, helped commit, or tried to commit a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested: 問你是否有被在未被逮捕的情況下定罪

15b. Have you EVER been arrested, cited, detained or confined by any law enforcement officer, military official (in the U.S or elsewhere), or immigration official for any reason, or been charged with a crime or offense: 問你是否曾因被確認犯罪而被執法人員逮捕拘禁

16. 問你是否已完成假釋或過了緩刑期如果沒有這個問題的人這題直接空白跳過

Have you EVER: 問你是否有以下行為

17a. Engaged in prostitution, attempted to procure or import prostitutes or persons for the purpose of prostitution, or received any proceeds or money from prostitution: 賣淫或仲介賣淫

17b. Manufactured, cultivated, produced, distributed, dispensed, sold or smuggled (trafficked) any controlled substances, illegal drugs, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia in violation of any law or regulation of a U.S. state, the United States, or a foreign country: 在美國或海外製造生產販售走私管制性藥物或毒品

17c. Been married to more than one person at the same time: 重婚

17d. Married someone in order to obtain an immigration benefit: 假結婚

17e. Helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the United States illegally: 幫助他人非法入境美國

17f. Gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling: 賭博

17g. Failed to support your dependents (pay child support) or to pay alimony (court-ordered financial support after divorce or separation): 未支付贍養費

17h. Made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the United States: 為了獲得社會福利而說謊

18. Have you EVER given any U.S Government officials any information or documentation that was false, fraudulent, or misleading: 問你是否提供過假資料給美國政府

19. Have you EVER lied to U.S. Government officials to gain entry or admission into the United States or to gain immigration benefits while in the United States: 問你是否為了入境美國或申請移民而說謊

20. Have you EVER been placed in removal, rescission, or deportation proceedings: 問你是否被列入驅逐或遣返程序

21. Have you EVER been removed or deported from the United States: 問你是否被驅逐或遣返過

Federal Law requires nearly all people born as male who are either U.S. citizens or immigrants, 18 through 25 years of age, to register with Selective Service: 聯邦法律要求所有的男性美國公民和美國永久居民在18-25歲時須完成兵役註冊

22a. Are you a person born as a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays (Do not select ''Yes'' if you were a lawful nonimmigrant for all of that time period): 問你在18-26歲時是否居住在美國如果居住當時沒有綠卡則不要選 "Yes"

22b. 如果你選 yes那你是否有完成兵役註冊

22c. 提供你的兵役註冊訊息

23. Have you EVER left the United States to avoid being drafted in the U.S. armed forces: 問你是否曾為了逃避兵役而離開美國

24. Have you EVER applied for any kind of exemption from military services in the U.S. armed forces: 問你是否申請過免服兵役

25. Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces: 問你是否在美軍服役過

26a.-29: 有在美軍服役過的才要寫

30a. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any foreign country: 問你是否有外國賦予或家族傳承的貴族頭銜

30b. 問你是否願意放棄貴族頭銜

31. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States: 問你是否支持美國憲法和美國政府

32. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States: 問你是否理解入籍誓詞的意思

33. Are you unable to take the Oath of Allegiance because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment: 問你是否因為身體或精神因素而無法參加入籍典禮

34. Are you willing to take the full of Oath of Allegiance to the United States: 問你是否願意在美國參加入籍宣示

35. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms (carry weapons) on behalf of the United States: 問你在法律有需要時你是否願意拿起武器保衛美國

36. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services (do something that does not include fighting in a war) in the U.S. armed forces: 問你在法律需要時你是否願意在美軍內從事非戰鬥性的工作

37. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction (do non-military work that the U.S Government says is important to the country): 問你在法律需要時你是否願意從事非軍事的民間動員

手把手教學- Part 10

說明: 從2024/04/01開始美國移民局對於家庭年收入在聯邦貧窮線400和150以下的申請人在紙本申請時給予費用減免的優惠

【美國公民申請】N-400 Form 填表教學


手把手教學- Part 11 : 填入申請人電話和郵箱記得 Applicant's Signature 那一欄要親筆簽名


    創作者 熱血冒險王Eric 的頭像


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